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Protect Your GPA

Protecting your GPA means consciously and actively maintaining a grade point average (GPA) throughout your academic career, that is in line with YOUR definition of success AND the insitutions'. This involves consistently engaging in your coursework, attending classes regularly, participating actively, completing assignments on time, and preparing thoroughly for exams. Protecting your GPA also entails managing your time effectively, seeking help when needed, and staying focused on your academic goals. By safeguarding your GPA, you increase your chances of academic success, and access to opportunities within your program and beyond in your future endeavors.   

Whether your goal is attending graduate school or achieving clear standing towards graduation, your Academic Advisors can help you determine your best steps in Protecting your GPA! 

  • Should I drop a course?

    Making the Decision:

    • This is an individual decision. You must do what is best for you based on your current situation.
    • Gather and assess relevant information about withdrawing from a class. An informed decision is a good decision.
    • Use the Should I Drop this Course or Not? worksheet to explore your situation before deciding to withdraw from a course.
    • If you have any questions, feel free to connect with your Academic Advisor.
  • How to drop a course

    If you decide to withdraw from a course, you must do so online, via your MyOntarioTech account.

     To drop a course via MyOntarioTech

    1. Go to MyOntarioTech.
    2. Select the Current students.
    3. In the Registration box, select Add or Drop courses online.
    4. If prompted, log in using your network credentials.
    5. Select a term on the Select a Term page using the drop-down arrow in Terms open for registration and then select Continue. 
    6. Select the action that you would like to do (i.e. web drop) in the summary panel on the bottom right-hand side of the screen.
    7. Select Submit for the changes to take place. 

     If you are unable to drop your course, please email

  • Drop deadlines

     Drop Deadlines:

    • The exact deadlines to drop courses without financial and academic penalty are listed under Important Dates in the Academic Calendar.
    •  If you drop a course on or before the deadline to receive a 50 percent refund, there will be no record on your transcript that you attempted the course.
    •  If you drop a course after the deadline to receive a 50 percent refund, a W grade (indicating withdrawal) will be recorded on your transcript. The W will have no impact on your GPA and will not count as an attempt.
  • Academic standing and academic success

    Academic standing is closely connected to academic success as it reflects a student's current status within the university in relation to their academic performance.  It serves as an indicator of a student's academic success or challenges within their educational journey. It highlights how well they are performing academically and whether they are meeting the standards set by their institution.

    Your academic standing is determined by your cumulative grade point average (GPA).  To be in clear academic standing and eligible for graduation, students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. For more information regarding Academic Standing see the Academic Calendar, and speak with your Academic Advisor.

  • What does academic success mean to me?

    It is important to consider what academic success means to you personally. Each of us carries our unique definition of academic success, which should align with our individual goals while also meeting the standards set by the university. As you develop your personal definition of success consider the following:

    1. Your grades: maintaining grades that are in-line with your short and long term goals will allow you to keep your options open! Remember: the general institutional requirement is a 2.0 GPA, but some programs have their own additional progression and GPA requirements. 

    2. Your understanding: gaining a deep understanding of the material and mastering the subjects being studied, rather than simply memorizing information for exams.

    3. Your personal growth: acquiring new skills, improving critical thinking abilities, or gaining confidence in your academic abilities.

    4. Your engagement and participation: wearing your professional hat and actively participating in class discussions, engaging with peers and professors, and contributing meaningfully to academic discussion.

    5. Balancing your responsibilities: Finding a balance between your academic pursuits and other aspects of life, such as extracurricular activities, work, and personal well-being.